Homework Spring Break:
1:Progress towards critique-
• Work on all other tangible parts that are not the RP print
• RP file- in Geomagic/Rhino/Dimension
• Rapid prototypes files ready for RP by LATEST Monday night March 14
(we will then batch similar scale files for efficient printing
2: Google Search: Haim Steinbach
3: Compete Reading Response Questions taken from Joshua Decter’s interview of Haim Steinbach from the Journal of Contemporary Art:
1. In the reading, Steinbach contextualizes how desire packages interpretation. Describe how desire "works" in the piece you will be presenting for MODEL
2. Cite two sections from the reading that interest you
and elaborate why.
CRITIQUE: all students will critique on Tuesday, March 22.
Please re-read the assignment prompt for my expectations regarding finished work, time spent, and presentation